Yantai Weekly Prefab house Co.,Ltd

Now more and more new buildings are affecting our lives, and the Apple cabin is one of them.

IMG_257New business modelIMG_258

Mobile "apple cabin" fusion mobile, sharing, ecological new business model, bring mobile shops, mobile clothing store, mobile laundry, mobile dealership, mobile bar, mobile shops, mobile office, mobile cafe, mobile service station, mobile studio, mobile hotel, mobile information center, mobile medical room, mobile exhibition hall and so on application scenarios

IMG_260Advantages and characteristicsIMG_261

With its characteristics of low investment, low risk, smart entrepreneurship and smart mobile, mobile Apple shops shops can travel all over the world, and also mobile Apple shops can be used to carry the display and sales of goods from countries around the world.

If the mobile business is the future trend of the retail industry, the Apple module is the carrier of the mobile business. Apple cabin solves the limitation of the limited operating area of the city center, breaks the traditional mode of investment and opening stores, and helps entrepreneurs to start businesses at low cost, and uses the fragmented space of the city to provide the most novel services where consumers need it most.

The prefabricated apple cabin building with its reasonable price, once and for all investment, low requirements for the foundation and a short completion time quickly into the mobile business market, considerable development in the future.

Project Case

Contact Us

    Name: Amanda Sun

    Tel: +86-18253597135

    E-mail: [email protected]

    WeChat: 008618253597135

    Whatsapp: 008618506380938

    Add: Shandong,China

    facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LHbuilding/ facebook: https://www.weeklybuilding.com/e_productshow/?31-Push-out-modular-house--Folding-door-31.html amandasun@weeklybuilding.com